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  Heaven Ipina,
Vice President of Community Service
Arkansas Virtual Academy

Hello everyone! My name is Heaven lpina. I am an online concurrent student at Arkansas Virtual Academy (ARVA), and I have the high honor of being our State Vice President of Community Service! In my free time, you can find me working as a hostess at a local Mexican restaurant, and attending city council meetings, where I learn about leadership through active participation with my local city council and community leaders. I enjoy engaging in community events, whether it be through participation or helping to organize it! My STAR Event, Leadership, sparked my passion for mentorship and community service; since then, I've worked hard to achieve many academic and personal goals over the year, which has led up to now! My FCCLA journey pushed me and my passion into my community. I can only hope that through this position, I can give my community and FCCLA back the huge positive impact they have given me. Community service, Marketing, and Leadership are subjects that I hold near and dear to my heart, so there is no doubt that this is position is something I am excited for. I am looking forward to the future and new horizons: Let's go Arkansas FCCLA!
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