One of the ways one can take part of the Ultimate Leadership Experience would be to run for an office position. Running and holding an office allows students the opportunity to grow and develop leadership, communication, and relationships while teaching them how to be a part of a team!
There are four distinct levels of leadership for students to be involved with: chapter, district, state, and national levels. Each of these levels offer something different for the student and involve different amounts of dedication, and involvement.

State Officers are elected to serve and lead the entire State of Arkansas. They preside over all of the districts and will speak on the behalf of the all the members and their advisers during any advocacy sessions.
State Officers elections have more steps to the process than District Officers. At the same Planning and Election meeting where the District officers will be elected, there will also be up to two State Officer Candidates that can be elected from each district.
Once these students are elected, they will then have to go before panel of Voting Delegates and go through an interview and speech process to determine who will be officially elected as a State Officer and which office they will be awarded.
There are six State Office positions, and there can be up to 12 State Officer Candidates compete in this process.

National Officers are officers that have been elected to serve as leaders for the entire United States. These students are elected at the National Leadership Conference in the Summer and serve during the upcoming school year.
National Officer Candidates are elected at the Planning and Election meeting, narrowed down to 2 candidates. These candidates then attend the National Leadership Conference and go through testing, networking, speeches, interviews, and are ultimately voted upon from the voting committee at NLC.
Each district can send 1 NOC to the run offs, each state can send 2 NOC's to Nationals, and there are only 10 National Officer Positions that are awarded.